ClinLabData is your Full-Service, Full-Support LIS.

Our LIS System

Our LIS is an end-to-end system from test ordering to billing and all the steps in between, including instrument interfacing, connectivity monitoring, data integrity checking, QC monitoring, results review, results release, and web portal results access. We also provide workflow optimization tools to help you improve your lab processes.

Selecting from our full array of services, we can create the LIS that best meets your individual lab’s needs.

We serve reference labs of all sizes, from point-of-care and stat labs to multisite enterprise organizations; both human-sample and veterinary.

Our LIS is available as a local LAN desktop application, as a multisite WAN, or as a cloud-based system.

Lab Checking LIS


Patient Portal

Provider Portal

Sales Rep Portal


Why ClinLabData?

Best of all...We Never Sleep